Neem Oil (300 ppm)

From Rs. 80.00

Epsom salt, chemically known as magnesium sulfate (MgSO4·7H2O), is a naturally occurring mineral compound composed of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen. It is named after the town of Epsom in Surrey, England, where it was first discovered in mineral springs. Here are some key points about Epsom salt:

  1. Magnesium and Sulfur Content: Epsom salt is valued for its high content of magnesium (about 10%) and sulfur (about 13%).

  2. Plant Nutrient: It is commonly used as a fertilizer supplement for plants, particularly for magnesium-loving crops like tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes. Magnesium is an essential nutrient for photosynthesis and overall plant growth.

  3. Improving Soil Quality: When used in moderation, Epsom salt can improve soil quality by enhancing nutrient absorption and soil structure. It can also help correct magnesium deficiencies in the soil.

  4. Foliar Application: Epsom salt can be dissolved in water and applied as a foliar spray. This allows plants to absorb magnesium directly through their leaves.

  5. Seed Starting: It is sometimes used as a component of seed-starting mixes to provide young seedlings with essential nutrients.

  6. Bath and Health Uses: Epsom salt is also popular for its therapeutic properties. It can be dissolved in warm water and used for baths to help relax muscles and relieve soreness. Some people also use it for foot soaks.

  7. Household and Beauty Applications: Epsom salt is utilized in a variety of household and beauty products, including bath salts, exfoliating scrubs, and as a component of homemade skincare products.

  8. Cautions: While Epsom salt can be beneficial for plants and for personal use, it's important not to overuse it. Excessive application can lead to mineral imbalances in the soil.

  9. Availability: Epsom salt is widely available at pharmacies, grocery stores, garden centers, and online retailers. It is typically sold in crystalline form.

  10. Purity Considerations: When purchasing Epsom salt for gardening or other purposes, it's advisable to choose products that are labeled as "pure" or "food grade" to ensure they do not contain any additional additives or impurities.