Rs. 269.00

NPK 19:19:19 is a balanced fertilizer that contains equal proportions of the three major essential nutrients: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). The numbers represent the percentage by weight of each nutrient in the fertilizer, in the order of N-P-K.

For NPK 19:19:19:

  • Nitrogen (N) content is 19%
  • Phosphorus (P) content is 19%
  • Potassium (K) content is 19%

This fertilizer is often used to provide a well-rounded nutrient boost to plants during various stages of growth. The balanced ratios of these nutrients can promote overall plant health, support vigorous growth, and encourage flowering and fruiting.

Here's a breakdown of the roles of each nutrient in this formulation:

  1. Nitrogen (N):

    • Supports leafy, vegetative growth.
    • Essential for photosynthesis, as it is a key component of chlorophyll.
    • Important for the production of amino acids and proteins.
  2. Phosphorus (P):

    • Aids in root development and establishment.
    • Promotes flowering, fruiting, and seed formation.
    • Crucial for energy transfer within the plant.
  3. Potassium (K):

    • Regulates water uptake and loss in plants.
    • Helps in enzyme activation and overall metabolic processes.
    • Enhances the plant's resistance to diseases and stress.

NPK 19:19:19 is versatile and can be used for a wide range of crops, including fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, and even in greenhouse or hydroponic systems. However, it's important to use any fertilizer, including balanced formulations like NPK 19:19:19, according to recommended application rates and guidelines to prevent over-fertilization and its potential environmental impacts.