Plant Growth Promoter Liquid Roboost

From Rs. 0.00

Product Description

Plant Growth Promoters For Paddy an 100% organic solution,
used as a Plant Growth Promoter. Roboost helps in improving
seed germination. it darkens the leaves to increase the
photosynthetic activity on spray. The use of Roboost has helped
to increase the yield of Paddy, tomato, watermelon, brinjal,
mango, tea, etc.


Dissolve Roboost 5 ml/Ltr of Water and soak paddy seeds for 24 h
before sowing either in nursery or directly sowing in the field.
Spray Roboost at 5 ml per liter of water before transplantation
or 20 to 25 days after direct sowing. Spray Roboost at 5 ml/Ltr of
water 15 days after transplantation. Spray Roboost at 10 ml/Ltr
of water on 30th, 45th and 60th day after transplantation.

  • To increases the yield by 15 to 20% 5 ml/ltr for tomato, watermelon, brinjal leafy vegetables, etc., 2 ml/ltr for tea, 5 ml/ltr to 10ml/ltr for mango.