Amla / Indian Gooseberry in 4 Inch Bag

Rs. 249.00
The Amla plant, also known as Indian gooseberry, is admired for its beauty and multitude of benefits. Its delicate green foliage and small, translucent yellow-green fruits add aesthetic appeal to any landscape. Alongside its appearance, Amla provides a plethora of health advantages. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, it boosts immunity, aids digestion, promotes hair growth, and enhances skin health. Amla is revered in Ayurveda for its ability to balance the body's doshas, contributing to overall wellness.

Benefits of Amla Plant:
1. Rich in Vitamin C: Amla is a potent source of vitamin C, surpassing even oranges. This antioxidant-rich nutrient bolsters the immune system and supports healthy skin and hair.
2. Great for Digestion: Amla aids digestion, prevents constipation, and promotes regular bowel movements due to its dietary fiber content and mild laxative properties.
3. Hair and Skin Health: Amla nourishes the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, and protects the skin from damage caused by UV radiation and pollutants, delaying signs of aging.

Care Tips for Amla Plant:
1. Watering: Water regularly when the topsoil is dry, and maintain humidity by spraying water.
2. Light: Amla requires bright sunlight for at least 7-8 hours daily, preferably in the morning for optimal fruit development.
3. Placement: Place outdoors in a sunny area with high humidity.
4. Fertilization: Apply Vermicompost every 15 days during the growing season and monthly thereafter.
5. Pruning: Prune twice a year to encourage bushiness and branching.
6. Pest Control: Combat aphids or whiteflies with neem spray or neem khali.

Frequently Asked Questions about Amla Plant:
1. Home Cultivation: Amla can be grown at home in containers or outdoor gardens.
2. Fruiting Time: It takes 5-6 years for a young Amla plant to bear fruits.
3. English Name: Amla is commonly known as Indian Gooseberry.
4. Ease of Growth: Amla is relatively easy to cultivate.
5. Growing Season: Amla is typically grown from July to September.
6. Purchase Source: Find quality Amla plants at affordable prices on Shape My Garden.