Wandering Jew in 6 Inch Hanging basket

Rs. 359.00
The Wandering Jew plant, also known as Tradescantia Zebrina, is a creeping species within the Tradescantia genus, renowned for its fast growth and distinctive silver-striped leaves. As an outdoor foliage plant, it adds allure to gardens with its captivating purple leaves adorned with silver stripes.

Benefits of Wandering Jew Plants
Low Maintenance:
Wandering Jew plants are beginner-friendly, requiring minimal care and thriving in outdoor spaces with their lush green foliage.

Aesthetic Appeal:
With variegated foliage in shades of purple, green, and silver, Wandering Jew plants enhance outdoor gardens with their striking appearance and rapid growth.

Versatile Growth:
Adaptable to indirect light conditions, Wandering Jew plants serve as indoor decorations for seasoned gardeners.

Easily propagated from cuttings or root divisions, Wandering Jew plants offer opportunities for expansion and sharing.

Care Tips for Wandering Jew Plants
Maintain periodic watering, ensuring the top inch of soil is dry before watering again, and reduce watering during winter or rainy seasons.

Thriving in temperatures between 15 - 30 degrees Celsius, Wandering Jew plants prefer indirect sunlight.

Ideal for shaded outdoor areas receiving indirect bright sunlight, Wandering Jew plants flourish in well-lit but protected environments.

Maintain nutritional balance with vermicompost or cow dung compost every 15 days, facilitating healthy growth.

Regular pruning promotes shape maintenance and rapid growth, eliminating dead or damaged leaves.

Pest Control:
Guard against mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids with weekly neem oil spray on leaves, supplemented with fungicide for widespread disease.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wandering Jew Plants
1. Is the Wandering Jew plant suitable for homes?
Yes, Wandering Jew plants not only add aesthetic charm but also possess air-purifying properties, making them ideal for indoor environments.

2. Can Wandering Jew plants thrive indoors?
Given indirect bright sunlight, Wandering Jew plants can flourish indoors, meeting their light requirements.

3. Does the Wandering Jew plant tolerate direct sunlight?
Exposure to full sunlight may lead to leaf browning in Wandering Jew plants, necessitating protection from intense sunlight.

4. How can I ensure the happiness of my Wandering Jew plant?
Regularly monitor leaf tips for browning, which could indicate overwatering or excessive sunlight exposure.

5. Where can I purchase Wandering Jew plants?
Explore Shape My Garden, India’s preferred online nursery, offering a diverse range of plants to suit your gardening needs.