Button Rose Pink in 10 Inch Pot

Rs. 267.00
The Rose plant, known as "Gulab" in Hindi, is a magnificent and captivating addition to any garden. Belonging to the Rosaceae family, it boasts numerous varieties, each with its unique charm. Roses are revered as symbols of love and devotion, gracing gardens with their timeless beauty. With its lush green foliage and vibrant blooms, the Rose plant is a delightful sight throughout the year.

Benefits of Rose Plant:

1. Ornamental Beauty: With its array of colorful and vibrant shades, the Rose plant effortlessly steals the spotlight in any garden setting.

2. Attracts Pollinators: Roses attract beneficial pollinators such as bees and butterflies, contributing to biodiversity and adding a touch of enchantment to the garden.

3. Low Maintenance: Despite their elegance, Roses are relatively easy to care for, thriving in tropical and subtropical climates like India. However, they require consistent watering and periodic pruning to ensure healthy growth.

Care Tips For Rose Plant:

- Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist during the growing season, but avoid waterlogging to prevent root rot.

- Light: Roses thrive in bright sunlight for 3-4 hours daily, preferably during the morning hours. Direct sunlight should be limited after this period.

- Placement: As outdoor plants, Roses flourish in areas receiving ample morning sunlight.

- Fertilization: Feed Roses with organic compost or vermicompost every two weeks, ensuring adequate space in the pot for adding fertilizer.

- Pruning: Regularly prune Rose plants to remove dead leaves and encourage healthy growth, preventing fungal issues.

- Pest Control: Combat aphids, a common pest of Roses, by spraying the plant with neem spray every two weeks. Additionally, use fungicides to prevent fungal attacks.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rose Plant:

1. What is the ideal season for planting Roses?
Roses bloom all year round, but October is optimal for growing these fragrant plants.

2. How can I ensure the best growth of Roses?
Provide Roses with 4-5 hours of bright sunlight and regular watering for optimal growth.

3. Can Roses be grown in pots?
Yes, Roses thrive in pots, but ensure to repot them in larger containers as they grow.

4. How often should Roses be watered?
Water Roses when the top layer of soil is dry to the touch.

5. Can Roses be grown indoors?
No, Roses are outdoor plants.

6. Where can I purchase Rose plants?
Explore Shape My Garden, India’s preferred online nursery, boasting an extensive collection of plants tailored to your gardening needs.