Impatients Balsamina (any colour) in 4 Inch Pot

Rs. 79.00
The Balsam plant, also known as garden balsam or rose balsam, originates from India and Myanmar, boasting an annual growth cycle with thick, soft stems and spirally arranged leaves. With its botanical name Impatiens Balsamina, it showcases a spectrum of red, pink, mauve, lilac, purple, and white flowers, attracting various pollinating insects.

Benefits of Balsamina Plant:
1. Ornamental Beauty: Valued for its vibrant and captivating flowers, the Balsamina plant is cherished by gardeners for its aesthetic appeal.
2. Pollinator Attraction: Nectar-rich blooms attract pollinating insects, fostering garden biodiversity and aiding in pollination.
3. Quick Growth: As an annual plant, Balsamina is a fast grower, rewarding gardeners with abundant blooms throughout the season.
4. Unique Seed Dispersal: Balsamina exhibits a unique tendency to explosively disperse its seeds, earning its genus name 'Impatiens,' meaning Impatient.

Care Tips for Balsamina Plant:
- Watering: Maintain consistent moisture levels, watering when the topsoil is nearly dry to avoid overwatering.
- Light: Preferably placed in bright to partial sunlight, ensuring at least 4-5 hours of direct sunlight daily.
- Placement: Suitable for outdoor settings receiving ample sunlight exposure.
- Fertilization: Enhance plant and flower growth with nitrogen and phosphorus, supplemented with dry banana peels or vermicompost every two weeks.
- Pruning: Regular pruning stimulates flower growth, while soft pruning and deadheading promote foliage.
- Pest Control: Relatively resistant to pests, preventative spraying with neem spray every two weeks is recommended.

FAQs about Balsamina Plant:
1. Water Balsamina plant using a spray nozzle or watering can.
2. Balsamina typically flowers during the winter season, with seeds ideally planted by mid-September.
3. Balsamina seeds usually germinate within 10-15 days.
4. Balsamina thrives in direct to partial sunlight.
5. Balsamina is an outdoor plant commonly used in landscaping.
6. Explore Shape My Garden, India’s favored online nursery, for Balsamina plants.

स्टॉक ख़त्म