Lantana Yellow in 3 Inch Bag

Rs. 189.00

Lantana, a genus encompassing approximately 150 species of perennial flowering plants within the verbena family, Verbenaceae, originates from tropical regions of the Americas and Africa. However, it has become established as an introduced species in various regions, notably the Australian-Pacific area and parts of South and Northeastern India. These plants, known as shrub verbenas or lantanas, come in both herbaceous and shrubby forms, boasting aromatic flower clusters (umbels) comprising a mix of red, orange, yellow, blue, and white florets.

Lantana species are extensively cultivated for their flowers in tropical, subtropical, and even temperate climates.

Benefits of Lantana Plant:

Ornamental Beauty:
Lantana plants are highly prized for their ornamental value, with their vibrant flower clusters adding splashes of color to any garden. Their hues range from red, orange, yellow to pink, making them a favorite among gardening enthusiasts.

Pollinator Friendly:
The blooms of Lantana plants attract various pollinating insects such as butterflies and bumblebees, thereby promoting biodiversity. They serve as crucial nectar sources for butterflies.

Low Maintenance:
These flowers are easy to care for and thrive well in tropical and subtropical regions like India. However, they require consistent watering and regular pruning to ensure healthy growth.

Care Tips for Lantana Plant:

Keep the soil moist, especially during the growing season, but avoid waterlogging.

Lantana plants thrive in bright sunlight, requiring at least 6-7 hours of exposure daily.

Suitable for outdoor cultivation, place Lantana in areas receiving ample sunlight.

Boost plant growth by adding nitrogen and phosphorus. Dry banana peels, rich in nitrogen, can be added to the soil. Vermicompost application every two weeks is also beneficial.

Encourage flower growth and enhance plant spread through regular pruning.

Pest Control:
Combat aphids, thrips, fruit flies, and whiteflies with neem spray applied every two weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions about Lantana Plant:

1. What are the common flower colors of Lantana plants?
Lantana plants typically exhibit flowers in shades of purple and blue.

2. Can Lantana be grown indoors?
No, Lantana requires abundant sunlight and a well-ventilated environment, making indoor cultivation impractical.

3. How did Lantana come to India?
Lantana was introduced to India as an ornamental plant.

4. Where can I purchase Lantana plants?
Explore Shape My Garden, a renowned online nursery in India, offering a diverse range of plants.

5. Can Lantana thrive in cold climates?
As a perennial plant, Lantana begins blooming with the onset of cooler temperatures.

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