Peace Lily (any colour) in 4 Inch Pot

Rs. 159.00
The Peace Lily, also known as Spathiphyllum, belongs to the genus of monocotyledonous flowering plants in the family Araceae. Native to tropical regions of the Americas and southeastern Asia, these evergreen herbaceous perennial plants feature large leaves and distinctive flowers produced in a spadix surrounded by a long, white, yellowish, or greenish spathe. While popular as indoor houseplants, they can also thrive outdoors in hot and humid conditions.

Benefits of Peace Lily Plant:

1. Air Purifier: Peace Lily plants are renowned for purifying indoor air by effectively absorbing common pollutants like formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene, thereby enhancing oxygen levels.

2. Decor: With attractive glossy green leaves, Peace Lily plants serve as statement indoor decor, adding a touch of beauty to any indoor space.

3. Low Maintenance: Peace Lily plants are easy to grow and suitable for both novice and experienced plant enthusiasts due to their minimal care requirements.

4. Pet Friendly: These plants are safe for pets and won't cause harm if chewed on by furry companions.

Care Tips for Peace Lily Plant:

- Watering: Water Peace Lily plants when the soil is completely dry, typically once a week, and avoid overwatering to prevent waterlogging.

- Light: Place Peace Lily plants in medium or filtered light, avoiding direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn.

- Placement: Optimal placement includes east or north-facing areas to receive morning sunlight.

- Fertilization: Apply vermicompost every two months to provide balanced nutrition and ensure well-draining soil.
- Pruning: Regular pruning promotes bushier, healthier growth, enhancing the overall appearance of the plant.

- Pest Control: Prevent pest infestations by spraying neem oil as a precautionary measure against mealy bugs and scale insects.

Frequently Asked Questions about Peace Lily Plant:

1. Is the Peace Lily Plant suitable for indoor environments?
Yes, Peace Lily plants are excellent indoor plants, renowned for their air-purifying properties and aesthetic appeal.

2. What are the benefits of Peace Lily plants?
Peace Lily plants serve as effective air purifiers and enhance indoor decor with their attractive foliage.

3. Is the Peace Lily plant considered lucky?
Yes, Peace Lily plants are believed to bring luck to homes by removing negative energies.

4. Can Peace Lily plants be kept outdoors?
Peace Lily plants are primarily indoor plants and should be shielded from harsh direct sunlight.

5. Where can I purchase Peace Lily Plants?
Explore Shape My Garden, India’s preferred online nursery, offering an extensive range of plants for your gardening needs.

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