Peperomia / Radiator Plant Variegated in 4 Inch Pot

Rs. 269.00

Peperomia, one of the two major genera in the Piperaceae family, boasts over 1,000 species found across tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. While predominantly concentrated in South and Central America, they also thrive in regions spanning from southern North America to Asia and Oceania. Peperomias showcase diverse appearances, adapting to various environments.

Benefits of Peperomia Plants:
1. **Air Purifier:** Peperomia plants contribute to better indoor air quality by filtering common pollutants and toxins.
2. **Low Maintenance:** Easy to care for, Peperomias flourish in indirect light and require minimal watering.
3. **Pet-Friendly:** Non-toxic to pets, Peperomia plants offer safe and decorative companionship for households with animals.

Care Tips for Peperomia Plants:
1. **Watering:** Water when the soil is completely dry, typically every few days for indoor plants. Ensure thorough watering.
2. **Light:** Avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn; opt for medium or filtered light, ideally from east or north-facing windows.
3. **Placement:** Position Peperomias where they can receive morning sunlight from east or north-facing areas.
4. **Fertilization:** Apply vermicompost every 2 months to meet the plant's nutritional requirements. Regularly till the soil for better aeration.
6. **Pruning:** Regular pruning promotes bushier, healthier growth and accelerates plant growth.
7. **Pest Control:** Guard against mealy bugs and weevils with neem oil spray as a preventive measure.

Frequently Asked Questions about Peperomia Plants:
1. **Suitability as Indoor Plant:** Yes, Peperomia plants thrive indoors, offering stress relief and enhancing indoor garden aesthetics.
2. **Benefits:** Peperomias serve as delightful tabletop plants while also contributing to skincare routines.
3. **Succulent Classification:** Peperomias are not succulents and require regular watering despite being indoor plants.
4. **Outdoor Placement:** Peperomia plants are best kept indoors away from harsh sunlight.
5. **Buying Options:** Explore "Shape My Garden," a popular online nursery in India, for a diverse selection of Peperomia plants.

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