Aglaonema Snow White

Rs. 650.00 Rs. 450.00

Aglaonema 'Snow White' is a specific cultivar of the Aglaonema species known for its striking variegated foliage. As the name suggests, 'Snow White' is characterized by its predominantly white leaves with green edges. Here are some key characteristics and care tips for Aglaonema 'Snow White':

  1. Foliage: The leaves of Aglaonema 'Snow White' are primarily white or cream-colored with green edges. This variegation pattern gives the plant a unique and attractive appearance.

  2. Light Requirements: Similar to other Aglaonema varieties, 'Snow White' prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions. It's important to avoid direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves.

  3. Watering: Allow the top inch or two of soil to dry out before watering. Like other Aglaonemas, they are more tolerant of being underwatered than overwatered. Ensure the pot has drainage holes to prevent water from pooling at the bottom.

  4. Temperature and Humidity: Aglaonema 'Snow White' thrives in warm and humid conditions, but it can tolerate average household temperatures. Avoid placing it near drafts or in excessively cold environments.

  5. Soil: Use a well-draining, peat-based potting mix for 'Snow White'.

  6. Fertilizer: During the growing season (spring and summer), feed the plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. In the fall and winter, reduce or stop fertilizing as growth slows down.

  7. Repotting: 'Snow White' does not need frequent repotting. Repot when the roots become root-bound and the plant has outgrown its current container.

  8. Pests and Problems: Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests like spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids. Treat infestations promptly if they occur.

  9. Propagation: Aglaonema 'Snow White' can be propagated through stem cuttings, which can be rooted in water or directly in soil.

Remember to observe your plant and adjust care as needed. 'Snow White' is a stunning and unique addition to any indoor plant collection, and with proper care, it can thrive and bring beauty to your living space.